If this is any indication of things to come, than brace for yet another banner Winter here in Southwestern Montana. This recent dump of snow bodes well for all the reasons we live here!
As for the fishing - well, on days when your guides aren't iced up and you can actually cast a fly it's been pretty decent. Here's the skinny on Winter fly fishing.
Get a late start. No reason to race to the river. Let the water warm up. ***Remember, this is fly fishing. This whole sport revolves around insects and their life cycles. If the bugs are frozen and immobile, then too are the fish - most likely. Take the time to steep some beans and prepare a thermos of coffee in the morning. Drinking a hot cup of joe on the river might just be the highlight of your day. Enjoy the fish you do catch. It takes a special soul to be out there on the river this time of the year braving the elements. Lastly, think about the reasons why you fly fish. I rediscovered something this past season I've known for a long time but hit me upside the head. Angling for the right reasons is as personal and as real as it gets.
Thank you to those who helped make CK Outfitters 2009 season a success! It is amazing what a little bit of water, favorable conditions and cooperative fish will do for the fishing. This year was the best fishing we have had on the Jefferson to date and this river is only gaining momentum. The Madison produced some trophy trout as always and the Yellowstone fished
Craig Kalpinski
Owner & Managing Outfitter
CK Outfitters