I had a great day of fishing with good friend Mark Baker. We spent the morning switching between the nymph and Hopper rod until I was convinced the fish were looking up. We spent most of the day casually discussing his science experiment. Recently we have toyed with several different shades of Hopper patterns and until today I was not convinced there was a king.
Mark has taken different Hoppers, placed them in a fish tank with different colored back drops, with light at different angles and then from below under a glass table, photographed the results. Tomorrow he will produce the end results. I will share this information with his permission of course. This sort of effort takes a serious fly fisherman to have patience for the love of this sport. I found it interesting what he had discovered in his findings.
The Hopper fishing continues to be strong as is evidence from Marks Brown (one of many) caught and released safely today on the Upper Madison. ***Warn
Gentlemen, and you know who you are, Mark has two weeks left of Spring training so bring your A game to Montana in September. We are moving over to the Yellowstone for the next few days and will keep you updated on all of the action.