I have received several comments from readers asking where the "fish pics" are?
As most of you know, I have never been a big fan of "fish porn". As my creative stash of off the beaten path images dwindle, there will be plenty of posts in the future with pornographic snapshots of BIG fish. I'm sure ya'll can rest easy now.
I once had a guide ask me to put his bio on my website. ??? I BIT MY TONGUE! Apparently, he had not discovered the self soothing massage of Facebook.
The Ditch your probably wondering is a fairly new sandwich & coffee shop located just South of four corners. The Ditch is pumping out some delicious deli lunches. I will be utilizing them this season as they offer a fantastic fisherman's box lunch!
As for the fishing, well most of the local rivers are on the "drop and clear". I'm sure I just put the jinx on as soon as I hit the publish post button. Today and tomorrow put us on the Missouri. Holy water! It's big - 15,000+ cfs. Normally known for it's dry fly fishing, I think the fish are a tad freaked out right now. You will be successful up here if you change tactics. A long leader, lot's of weight and yep - an indicator. The fishing was allright but not what it was a month ago. We return to Bozeman on Wednesday to hopefully fish some clearing water closer to home. Please send us your photos. Tasteful and artsy always welcome. Please don't send photos of anglers kissing fish or teeth gripping the flyrod while hoisting a pathetic little fish. The extended forecast for the next five days:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
74° F | 45° F | 70° F | 45° F | 61° F | 41° F | 58° F | 40° F | 65° F | 43° F |
Partly Cloudy | T-storms 70% chance of precipitation | T-storms 80% chance of precipitation | Chance of Rain 40% chance of precipitation | Partly Cloudy |