I wanna give you a peak into my life as a fly fishing guide! All glory - I don't think so.
Got this question a couple day's ago. Q: Do trout prefer light or dark rocks? A: My best answer was neither. Trout don't like rocks, they get in the way of aquatic habits like sleeping, eating, nesting and just about everything that humans like to do.
I recently got thrown this curve ball. After dropping my boat in the river, getting the clients dialed in and catching fish, my client asked "now at the end of the day, how do we get back to the truck?". I have several answers for this popular question but in all seriousness I said that all rivers in Southwestern Montana flow in a circle. He was content with that answer and fished on!
A few years ago I was asked what would happen if we kept a fish? I sternly said that if they really wanted to keep a fish that would be fine with me but Montana Fish & Game would have record of that on their forest service surveillance cameras and they probably would not be welcomed back to Montana. They quivered, put the fish back in the river belly up and we fished on!
Years ago, twelve to be exact, I had my first fly fishing brush with fame. I was working in a fly shop when the unnamed super hero pranced in. I thought I recognized him but could not put my finger on his mug. He asked me how to get to Yellowstone, where he could find some fish, kill one for dinner, another for the taxidermist - where is the nearest taxidermist?, and how many he could keep? A#1. I said to continue on Hwy 191 South until he either hits West Yellowstone or an elk. B#2 any river, pick a river - your in Yellowstone. America's first national park! C#3 Sorry, YNP is catch & release only (at that time). D#4 Do you really need a fish mount? Buy a frickin' plastic replica after you spend some time with your brand new, never payed attention to - Cannon camera. Enough of that douche bag, you get the point.
I will never disclose the name of this Hollywood celeb. Don't really need to because most locals know who he is and that Montana is just a nice place to sink his dough. Thanks. I guess.
I see and hear some really pretty idiotic things on the water. Thank GOD 99% of people/clients are in tune with Montana - I would not last long if they were not.
We are still fishing and Holy Shit! - It's good. Real good. Hatches are a couple weeks behind schedule but things are rockin' right now. Give us a call if in the area!