Well kids, there on the rise again. Unless you are fishing one of three tailwaters in the southern portion of Montana, (Missouri, Beaverhead or Bighorn) you might have some trouble finding fishable water. I'm not talking that quarter mile stretch above cabin creek in between Quake and Hebgen lake either. Those fish have run up and out of Quake Lake to spawn. Leave em' alone! I'm waiting to hear from a guide friend if the Big Hole is fishable today - sometimes an early option during runoff?
One thing is for sure, as soon as these river come back into shape - the fishing will be "Light's out"! A good flush means a couple of things. A#1 Fish will have been feeding heavily for months and will be plump, well fed and healthy. B#2 The river bottoms can always use a natural scouring.
This is always a tough time for me. I'm dying to fish some clear H2o. It's a good thing I have "the book project" to keep me busy this year. I have finished three chapters and feel pretty good about the project. Finally have a title too. Montana Hold 'Em. Oh, I forgot to mention the Salmonflies down on the Henry's Fork. By now, I'm sure they have moved up into Box Canyon but always worth a trip for a lunker rainbow or brown or a good volcanic ding to your chines. Actually, this year, it might not be a problem due to our abundant snowpack and current river levels. Any how, we will keep you posted on all things relevant to fly fishing with CK Outfitters as conditions warrant. Until the next post, tight lines and dry bags!