Even though were not straining our eyes to see our caddis imitation amidst all the naturals.... the dry fly action has been steller (wind pending)! Caddis, B.W.O's & March Browns will curb your dry fly fix. Now, when the wind does blow, it's streamer time. Some true lunker (Hate the word, but at a loss) fish have been caught recently!
Check out this book soon
Passion. Devotion. Obsession. Do those words describe your relationship with the opposite sex? Or with fly fishing? And what happens when the passion for one collides with the passion for the other?
The usual result of those collisions is tragedy. Or comedy. Or both.
The eight chapters of Till Death or Fly Fishing Do Us Part are about those collisions of passion, and even the tragic ones are pretty funny--mostly because they're happening to someone else and not to you.
The first seven chapters are written by different people (three men and four women), and are quick, easy reads. The last chapter, by Tom Pero, is long--about half the book's 168 pages--and gives you perhaps more info on Pero's love life than you wanted to know, from his encounter with a "Mrs. Robinson"-type when he was a teenager, to adult encounters with the girl (woman) next door.
Each chapter has its insights into male-female relationships and how those relationships are affected by fly fishing. Some of those insights are spelled out in the text, and others you have to dig up on your own ("Boy, was that guy clueless about women.")
Till Death or Fly Fishing Do Us Part is a well-written, enjoyable book. Although I found a few typos near the end, the production values are good. And it's not like I haven't generated one or two typos in my own writing. The eight caricuture drawings by Whitney Martin capture the often comic nature of male-female relations.
This is a good gift book, and I suspect that more fly anglers will get their copy on their birthday or for Christmas rather than buy it on their own. it would be a Valentines Day gift, however; you'd have to read the book to understand why!
Bottom Line: Good, fun read. Here's a breakdown in case you forgot and if you still cannot remember, give us a call on the trout line 406-539-6582 Until you read again, tight strings!May | Caddis | ElK Hair Caddis, Parachute Caddis size 14 |
March Brown | Adams, Dark Cahill size 10 | |
Baetis mayfly | Parachute Adams, Blue Wing Olive size 16 |
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