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Last 7 In Review

Holy shit, what a week! Sun burn, mosquito carnage, broken rods, two handed hook sets, straw cowboy hats?, epic jeff rainbows, dilapidated trailer, boots on tires, missed hopper eats, skinny water, beautiful bull moose, Chelsey Clinton who cares?, cigars, vacation, red chubbie Chernobyls, if I see another photo of a fly rod between an anglers jaw - I'm a gonna puke, eat it, spandex, stolen cooler, armor all, sleep, strip, poison ivy, Boulder R., copper zonkers, fireworks on 7/28, deep fried oreos, big fat jefferson river brown trout, sleepy cats, how hard is your job?, old gentlemen playing cards at 7 a.m. at the Conoco in Whitehall, Yellowstone R., bull snakes, mullets, calamine lotion, booked days?, incompetent shuttle drivers, renewed Madison R. faith, waiting for 4,000 c.f.s., ass handed, lit up, F-Bombs, the book, where's my car?, God, weeds, stupid ass questions, someone's checked out, soft-hackles, juvenile whitefish, Madison R. dinks, fly fags, good friends, whiny clients, out of my control, pay day, Lower Gallatin, tricos, foam, bow r. buggers, sleep, text messages, guides who like to sleep in, Chachie, Mama Macs, fly threaders, $10.00 peanut butter - anger, Overland Express - or is it Caras? Hope the 4th of July lasts unt& jellies, carp, East Gallaltin, fly shop idiots, twitch it, Bozeman Montana, looking ahead, 30 mph wind in the face, full moon, great sticks, if I see another photo of an angler kissing their fish - I'm gonna puke, about that time to check the usgs streamfow, the weather, the wind, the moon phase, fuel up, call the shuttle driver and drop some dough on flies. See you in the morning.
Bow R. Buggers, Soft-Hackles & Hoppers
The headlines read like this. Fishing in Southwestern Montana is off the charts! If you want to experience some of the finest fly fishing Montana has to offer, get here quick!
End of story. The wait was worth it. Fishing is only going to get better from here out.
Montana Wind!

Early starts are great for beating the wind and traffic. The fishing was solid as was the moss collecting on the flies. It's that time of the year. A small price to pay for little wind and quality fishing. Yesterday was a blurr. Between the 35mph gusts of wind and the talent, I was whooped. Maybe it's older age catching up with me?
Rivers around Southwestern Montana have finally stabilized, clearing and slowly dropping. This is a great time to be fishing in Montana. If the wind continues, we will tweak our schedules to beat it. My lumbar guarantees it!
Fly Shop Owners
Who cares really? So what if I'm parked in your neighbors retail parking space. If you weren't such a crotchety dickcheese and own an uptight space , I might walk into your shop and spend some dough. There is a reason I go out of my way in the morning to patronize certain Bozeman Montana fly shops and not yours!
Straw Hats?

This is a topic I consider near, dear and important to the health of fly fishing. This so called phenomenon has taken Montana by storm for quite some time now. I guess I have become blind to the fact that every Tom, Dick and Harry exiting a plane and walking through the Bozeman airport, is sporting a straw cowboy hat. It is time to address this foolishness.
There is nothing wrong with having childhood fantasies. I played cowboys and Indians too. For you straw hat sportin' wanna look like Brett Michaels posers - do you think the true blue cowboy from Wilsall isn't swallowing a little bit of chewing tobacco every time he spots one of you derelicts?
This sort of behavior has spawned a little game my boat and party now play on the river. It goes a little like this. When I see a boat in front of me freaking the fish with these goofy cheap brims, I slide over to cover a different lane. It works too. It always pays off. The hats displace fish because they are scared shitless of what is hacking down the river! I know it works because I'm playing clean up, cashing in on peoples urge to be trendy and fashionable in Montana? Like you need to be in the most genuine state in the country. Most fish that come to the net know so because they have a giant grin stretching ear > ear. I wonder why?
Now don't get me wrong. There is a time, place and type of person that will warrant a trendy sombrero. 1. If you are a fishing guide who spends 100+ days on the water fending off UV rays. 2. Don't need to go there. 3. Don't need to be mean (already have). 4. Think I'm getting my point across-ed.
I'm sure this rant will ignite a few comments but I think it's time for fashion to take a good look at itself and maybe a sharp left turn.
I know trends come and go but this is one trend that in my opinion has to go.
Let's get back on track. The fishing is really good right now! I will probably be spending the rest of the month between the Jeff and the Stone. I anticipate the fishing to remain good for a while with all this water.
If you have never experienced Montana fly fishing, now is the time! Give us a call 406-539-6582 to book your next fly fishing adventure. Check back soon for the Kim Kardashian For President Blog
The times they are a changing...

What a difference a week makes! Things around Southwestern Montana are finally shaping up. All waters are fishing well and should continue to fish throughout the Summer.
We spent this weekend between the Upper and Lower Madison. The Lower took the gold. Fishing on the Upper Madiheadscratchison has been slow but finally picked up on Monday? The Jeff is dropping fast and we will soon be there with first hand reports. The Stone is dropping/clearing but still big and a little freaky. I'm sure I'll be over there in my low-pro soon enough.
One thing is for sure. WE HAVE WATER THIS SUMMER AND LOTS OF IT! The fish are loving it.
Reports from the crew we had on the water today were Great dry fly fishing on both the Yellowstone and Gallatin! As we are biggining to get very busy, I will try to keep this Blog updated. Please continue to check back periodically. Until the next post...
I Remember When...

I don't like the word weird but that sums up the fishing and conditions right now. I have been to Hell and back trying to find some quality fishing and have come up short. It's almost Independence day and we are still up to our eyeballs in water. I layed in bed this morning and listened to the wind rip until it finally blew in the rain which continues to pour down.
Word on the Upper Madison are Salmonflies. Not a big deal really when you are competing with 40 other boats. This sort of behavior only results in a giant SHIT SHOW! I have never been a huge fan of the "BIG Bug". Nymph fishing before the hatch can be good. If you are slightly behind the march out of the river, dry fly fishing can be good to great and if your lucky - Epic but you gotta hit it right. If your too far behind the hatch, the fish might be gorged on the nymph which will make you want to pull your hair out.
The lower Madison is currently all over the USGS map. With fluctuating flows out of Ennis reservoir, impending weeds on the way and the likelihood that an inebriated college kid wraps his inner tube around your anchor rope, I would opt for a different venue.
Next we move over to the Yellowstone which is fluctuating between 12 - 13,000 c.f.s. The river is still Huge and quite frankly freaky. These sort of conditions make me want to buy an old aluminum Willie boat.
And the Jefferson - Back up to 6,000 c.f.s. I don't know when the Jeff will come into shape.
What this all boils down to is, I'm done trying to make any predictions for this season. The fishing will continue and one of these days it will erupt into something fierce. We have water, lots of water for the first time in a long time. I know the fish are loving it but you won't really know it until flows stabilize.
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