This is a topic I consider near, dear and important to the health of fly fishing. This so called phenomenon has taken Montana by storm for quite some time now. I guess I have become blind to the fact that every Tom, Dick and Harry exiting a plane and walking through the Bozeman airport, is sporting a straw cowboy hat. It is time to address this foolishness.
There is nothing wrong with having childhood fantasies. I played cowboys and Indians too. For you straw hat sportin' wanna look like Brett Michaels posers - do you think the true blue cowboy from Wilsall isn't swallowing a little bit of chewing tobacco every time he spots one of you derelicts?
This sort of behavior has spawned a little game my boat and party now play on the river. It goes a little like this. When I see a boat in front of me freaking the fish with these goofy cheap brims, I slide over to cover a different lane. It works too. It always pays off. The hats displace fish because they are scared shitless of what is hacking down the river! I know it works because I'm playing clean up, cashing in on peoples urge to be trendy and fashionable in Montana? Like you need to be in the most genuine state in the country. Most fish that come to the net know so because they have a giant grin stretching ear > ear. I wonder why?
Now don't get me wrong. There is a time, place and type of person that will warrant a trendy sombrero. 1. If you are a fishing guide who spends 100+ days on the water fending off UV rays. 2. Don't need to go there. 3. Don't need to be mean (already have). 4. Think I'm getting my point across-ed.
I'm sure this rant will ignite a few comments but I think it's time for fashion to take a good look at itself and maybe a sharp left turn.
I know trends come and go but this is one trend that in my opinion has to go.
Let's get back on track. The fishing is really good right now! I will probably be spending the rest of the month between the Jeff and the Stone. I anticipate the fishing to remain good for a while with all this water.
If you have never experienced Montana fly fishing, now is the time! Give us a call 406-539-6582 to book your next fly fishing adventure. Check back soon for the Kim Kardashian For President Blog
I grew up in Montana and live now in Minnesota. When I fish I like to wear a cowboy hat. I stand out when I fish in the midwest, but don't really care. And when I am home in Montana, I guess I stand out now too. Again, I don't care what Midwestern transplants or ranch hands think. It is the only kind of straw hat that does not make someone look like they belong on a golf course.