Alright there you have it, the first fish porn of the season. It's September 1 and I made it this far - pretty good! I know the zoro/vader hat is a little freaky but I will let it slide because Dan is a great mo fo.
I will start by ranting about the fishing first. Despite some unsettled weather and falling rock, the fishing is solid! Upper Madison continues to surprise. Lower is up and down due to problems at the dam but once stabilizes, look out cookout! Yellowstone, who cares. It's Baetis September. We'll get over there in October for those humpback spawners.
Now, down to brass tax. I have been a Facebook holdout for a long time. Last Friday evening I had a couple of scotches and got Facebroken. Over the years I have joined, dejoined, deactivated, stopped mid post asking WTF am I doing?
It's been five long and hard trying days as a member of Facebook. I'm going to ride it out at least for awhile. While at times I think it's really stupid, other times I have connected with friend I haven't heard from in ages. That's really cool and what it's all about.
The idea of Facebook sometimes creaps me out. I have never been an open door kind of guy - that's why I hide out in Montana. I like my privacy but am learning to share bit's and pieces of it with my new found friends. More on the Fishbook at a later time. Until a later time, we will keep fishing and facebooking (at least for now). Tight lines and Have a great Labor day!
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