Short Stories * Photos * Videos * Fishing Links * Product Reviews & Reports From Southwestern Montana
Off Season...

Killing time with matchsticks...

Day 22 of pre retirement and I have to say it's pretty damn nice! I'm no longer counting down the jailbreak days anymore. Can't wait for the "Official" retirement party in another 30 years unless of course the winning lottery ticket magically appears before my eyes. Life away from the river? So far so good!
I'm not a twitterer so I'll give you my own version of a twiitter update: Craig Kalpinski woke up this morning next to his beautiful wife Caroline. After Taffy (6lb Yorkshire Terrier), pounced on me, I decided it was time to get up, shake off the mauling and get rollin' with this day by steeping some beans. Now that it's in print and I have reread my tweet, I can honestly say that crap is really stupid. Maybe in thirty years I'll have the social patience to give you some useless play by play of my life?
Actually, what I wanted to write about was my trip to the store this morning. Not sure why I burned the $2.87 on fuel for The Bozeman Daily Chronicle??? Just sorta killing time I guess. Oh yeah, I was going to windex some windows with the local rag - a great way to wash windows! As the blinding sun was rising in the East, the 37 degree morning did nothing for me. I got caught in a little bit of commuter traffic by Montana standards. Lasted all of three minutes before I was racing along again. I was behind a guide rig towing his iced up RO drift boat. Poor guy has to freeze his hands off this morning to tie his clients flies on while they impatiently stood around wondering what the hell is taking so long? "Let's catch some fish before Winter arrives damnit"! He'll probably have to suffer through the tail end of this high pressure. If he's lucky, he will head to the Madison which is fishing well. The reality is his clients will want to go to the Yellowstone because they heard a great report from this past July. At the end of the day he will have to hit the do it yourself car wash bay to rinse out his boat because the Yellowstone R. whitefish bite was strong and every fish caught decided to leave a little something behind. At this point, this poor guide is wondering why these sports even hired a guide in the first place? This is a whole chapter in the upcomiing book. Do I miss being out there on frigid ass mornings? Do I miss high pressure systems and blinding sun? Do I miss chipping the ice out of the bottom of my boat so my clients don't eat shit? Do I miss being second guessed? I was the guide, right?
I'm really enjoying my time away from what I have done for the past twelve years. Man, it was a good run. Had a lot of fun. Have a lot of funny stories some of which I'm writing about in my new book. It's coming along. Writing this book is a new experience for me and a good one so far and I look forward to wrapping it up soon.
Beer Sponsorship?

If you look inside my guide fridge right now, it's pretty obvious that this guy likes the sweet nectar of Sessions Lager brewed by Full Sail Brewing Co. That is as far as my endorsement goes until I get a sponsorship damnit!
Once I get that sponsorship, I will make sure everyone of my clients has a sessions in hand or cup holder because they will have a fish on. Those little eleven ounce grenade bottles look really cool nestled in a CK Outfitters koozie.
I talked to my brother this past weekend and told him about the book I'm beginning to write. So far so good. He asked me if I was going to write about the failed Beer Sponsorship attempt? Damn him. He's blood, I'll look past that little comment. Alright, it hasn't happened yet but I'm still working on this crafty little indie label.
Sure, I could go after some big corporate sponsor like Bud lite but my Southern born wife would probably put me through hell every Spring by making me go to race weekend in Talladega. Who know's, maybe I would like it?
I would not consider it a failed attempt! Maybe they just lost the paperwork requesting sponsorship? I sometime forget to include a return address on letters, envelopes, business cards, etc.
It will happen some day soon. All good things in all good time. As soon as it happens, I will be sure to give my full endorsement. Hope you are all doing well. The book is coming right along. I will continue to update you on the progress as things move along.
Next chapter...
I woke up this morning feeling pretty good about life! Yesterday I finished up on my favorite river and spent the day with great friend and client, Scott Ritchie - Ace gentleman. His wonderful family was out here fishing with us all weekend.
As my run as a fishing guide winds down, I understand what athletes must go through when trying to finally give it up. It is hard to walk away from doing something you love and are passionate about. The last decade has been amazing for me!
CK Outfitters will continue with a few new twists. I am stepping into the role of manager of operations as strictly the Outfitter and no longer guide. Wow, that was hard to write. There you have it. What's next for me? I have always said that when I finally give it up, I'm going to write a book about my experience as a fishing guide. I have alot to write about. I will save it for the book.
I want to end this Blog by saying thanks to all the wonderful people I have met and that have supported CK Outfitters. I look forward to turning the page. Tight lines & bent rods always! On to the next chapter.
Craig Kalpinski
CK Outfitters Fly Fishing
Transition time...

The damn dam in Ennis which has affected fishing slightly on the Lower stretch is on the mend and should be finished very soon. As most of you know, a bus sized boulder broke away from the mountains nearby Ennis Dam. The boulder fell on top of the dam causing quite a bit of damage. Repairs continue and things should be full tilt shortly!
It happens every year. The hot Summer days shorten, nights become cooler, it's called transitioning into Fall. While most of us in Montana look forward to the pleasant weather associated with September, the fish don't always see it that way. Two weeks ago, the fish were looking up for their food. Now, most are just a little confused.
I have spent years telling my clients about this. People finally got it right this year and held off booking their trips until later in September. Awesome - I get a much needed break and the fishing turns over and gains momentum as we head into Fall.
While things on the Lower Madison - a favorite Fall destination and those big browns begin to stage up on other rivers, this fall should live up to legendary Montana Fall fishing! The baetis are ready to pop and the humpback Yellowstone R. browns need to bulk up for Winter so be sure to give us a call if in the area.
At Last September...

Pictured here is my man, Scott Ritchie with a recently caught 50lb Tarpon. Fish was wrestled down in the middle Florida Keys. Miss the Keys!
Day 8 on the Facebook and as far as I know, I have only offended 1 person. They haven't defriended me yet but I'm sure once she thinks about it over a bottle of white zinfandel - I'm history.
Thanks GOD it's September. It has been a HOT Summer here in Southwestern Montana. It's all or nothing in this state. The only happy medium is September, but it's early and remains to be seen. The fishing however and that is what were here to talk about is good right now! I predict a banner September considering we have water and the weather has cooled off. Keep in touch and give us a call if migrating towards Montana.
Fishbook & Porn
Alright there you have it, the first fish porn of the season. It's September 1 and I made it this far - pretty good! I know the zoro/vader hat is a little freaky but I will let it slide because Dan is a great mo fo.
I will start by ranting about the fishing first. Despite some unsettled weather and falling rock, the fishing is solid! Upper Madison continues to surprise. Lower is up and down due to problems at the dam but once stabilizes, look out cookout! Yellowstone, who cares. It's Baetis September. We'll get over there in October for those humpback spawners.
Now, down to brass tax. I have been a Facebook holdout for a long time. Last Friday evening I had a couple of scotches and got Facebroken. Over the years I have joined, dejoined, deactivated, stopped mid post asking WTF am I doing?
It's been five long and hard trying days as a member of Facebook. I'm going to ride it out at least for awhile. While at times I think it's really stupid, other times I have connected with friend I haven't heard from in ages. That's really cool and what it's all about.
The idea of Facebook sometimes creaps me out. I have never been an open door kind of guy - that's why I hide out in Montana. I like my privacy but am learning to share bit's and pieces of it with my new found friends. More on the Fishbook at a later time. Until a later time, we will keep fishing and facebooking (at least for now). Tight lines and Have a great Labor day!
Fallen Boulder Damages Madison Dam Near Ennis

A bus sized boulder fell off the cliffs along the west side of Madison Dam Monday morning putting a 30 ft. divot in the top of the dam where it remains lodged. It also took out the hydraulics that control several of the flood gates. The leaking lines also apparently leaked “15 or 20 gallons” of hydraulic fluid into the river but no fish kills have been reported. Water is apparently seeping out around the boulders impact area however, PPL officials assured the public that “the facility is in a stable condition and there is no need for public action”. I bet BP wish they could have pulled that statement off.
The really good news is that it’s not spring runoff and judging from the location it might be prudent to consider some kind of preventative measures for future rock (large boulder) falls. Its unclear so far what river flows will be like once draw down and repairs are underway.

I have been meaning to post these photos for quite some time and apologies to Casey - Samuel's father. I'll take this cold, rainy, nasty and wet Montana Summer? day to post this long overdue blog.
Samuel was my first ever nine year old client. He is a tenacious angler in the making. Great listener, patient, courteous and thankful. Just about everything you would ever want in a client.
We had a fantastic day on the Yellowstone. There was a healthy competition between Father & Son. If I remember correctly, I think Casey had to dish out some dough for dinner. I'm looking forward to fishing with Casey and Samuel in the future but for now, plans are on hold until we can replace Samuel's Auburn shirt with an Alabama Crimson Tide tee. Until we fish again. Tight Lines.
0 > 60 in a day!

Thursday we nearly broke 100 degrees. Today we were lucky to make it to 65 degrees. Be sure to pack the fleece and rain gear this week if heading this way for the week.
The Hopper fishing got a late start this season but now is in full effect! Had a couple of boats on the Lower Madison this past week with excellent results. PPL spiked the lower river this week for reasons unknown? This was actually a good thing and helped the conditions greatly. When there is a big water push like this it sends tasty morsels of crawdads, sculpins, stoneflies, etc. down the river. This also flushed out a lot of the moss.
The best part of our season is almost here. September is hands down the best time to fish in Montana. Cool night time temps and pleasant days provide prime conditions. We have some prime days still available in September so if in the area give us a call to reserve a great day on the river!
Those Damn Hippie Kids!

I wanna give you a peak into my life as a fly fishing guide! All glory - I don't think so.
Got this question a couple day's ago. Q: Do trout prefer light or dark rocks? A: My best answer was neither. Trout don't like rocks, they get in the way of aquatic habits like sleeping, eating, nesting and just about everything that humans like to do.
I recently got thrown this curve ball. After dropping my boat in the river, getting the clients dialed in and catching fish, my client asked "now at the end of the day, how do we get back to the truck?". I have several answers for this popular question but in all seriousness I said that all rivers in Southwestern Montana flow in a circle. He was content with that answer and fished on!
A few years ago I was asked what would happen if we kept a fish? I sternly said that if they really wanted to keep a fish that would be fine with me but Montana Fish & Game would have record of that on their forest service surveillance cameras and they probably would not be welcomed back to Montana. They quivered, put the fish back in the river belly up and we fished on!
Years ago, twelve to be exact, I had my first fly fishing brush with fame. I was working in a fly shop when the unnamed super hero pranced in. I thought I recognized him but could not put my finger on his mug. He asked me how to get to Yellowstone, where he could find some fish, kill one for dinner, another for the taxidermist - where is the nearest taxidermist?, and how many he could keep? A#1. I said to continue on Hwy 191 South until he either hits West Yellowstone or an elk. B#2 any river, pick a river - your in Yellowstone. America's first national park! C#3 Sorry, YNP is catch & release only (at that time). D#4 Do you really need a fish mount? Buy a frickin' plastic replica after you spend some time with your brand new, never payed attention to - Cannon camera. Enough of that douche bag, you get the point.
I will never disclose the name of this Hollywood celeb. Don't really need to because most locals know who he is and that Montana is just a nice place to sink his dough. Thanks. I guess.
I see and hear some really pretty idiotic things on the water. Thank GOD 99% of people/clients are in tune with Montana - I would not last long if they were not.
We are still fishing and Holy Shit! - It's good. Real good. Hatches are a couple weeks behind schedule but things are rockin' right now. Give us a call if in the area!
Mullets, Metal fingers, Miller Lite & Mayhem In Montana!

First and foremost, I apologize to all the sunburned, tattooed, Montanians who have made the annual pilgrimage to Three Forks for this years "Rockin' The Rivers". I don't know how I let this most important event slip my mind?
Here is or was this weekends lineup. It's a dandy - sorry to miss the fun.
Bret Michaels
Commander Cody
The Winters Brothers Band
The Clintons Band
MIP, Airstream Safari, The Mighty Flick
Collective Soul
Too Slim & the Tail Draggers
Jared Stewart Band
Randy Hansen Band
Kenny James Miller Band
Crash Baxter, Jamelution
Doobie Brothers
Legends of Southern Rock
Dave Walker Band
Blue Jack
Pinky and the Floyd
House of Quist
The Sands of Time Reunion, The Arrhythmias, Comstock Lode
I have to admit, It would of been great to see Bret Michaels on Friday. I am sort of a cheeseball for those hairspray rockers. Actually think it's cool he won celebrity apprentice! OK, I've gotten too personal.
On a more serious note, on the other side of the tracks is a noteworthy power trio rockin' the Ruby valley. Jerry Joseph and the Jackmormans are headlining all weekend at Banditos in Virginia City. I won't be going due my wife's persistent flashback of an episode with too many vodka tonics last March. I'll save the gory details for another Blog. She gets a little queezy when she hears JJJ now.
Were taking that mid-summer rest we take every year. Can't beleive it's almost September! We will resume Blog updates and get our shit together and get serious later in the week.
Ace In The Hole!

Tiger Woods is sportin' one of those cool and trendy mesh ventilated brims today. Hope it helps his game. At least he's not modeling the latest straw western wear. I'll ease up on the straw hat rant this time around. A big thanks to my sister Kristin and her boyfriend, Ben for not hitting the river last week with one of those goofy fish dis tractors!
We got whacked by quite a storm on the Upper Madison last Sunday. Fortunately the wind uprooted our ass and pushed us from river left to right in 1.3 seconds. I say fortunately because as we were being blown over to East Jabib, we looked back to where we once anchored and saw numerous trees and limbs get blown in the river. As for the fishing - eh, not that good at all but Ben got a good workout while dragging my boat around Cameron Flats. Thanks!
The weather has finally cooled off. Yeah for now! Our week and a half of Summer sure was beautiful. Let's move on to Fall before we jump into Winter like last year.
The weather is perfect, we have a new moon, fly boxes are stocked, broken rods are repaired and I just got a good dose of what's good for me. Let's fish on!
Last Few In Review...

Almost choked to death after inhaling a caddis fly, restored faith for the Upper Madison, HOT streamer action on the Jeff, Great clients, Dog days, Yellowstone R. algae bloom, my first nine year old client, Hoppers? behind schedule hatches, No broken rods this week! Long greasy leaders, tricos, weeds, smoke em' if you got em', the straw hat curse, valley road, MRSRP bureaucracy, tables turned, Gallatin R. dry fly extravaganza, Damn Caesar Soto!
Not a whole lot to report except for that the fishing this Summer has been great! Hatches this year are a couple weeks behind due to the abundance of rain this Spring (I think). The Jeff is the Jeff but if you can make those fish eat a streamer or twitch a Hopper like it's convulsing, it has payed big dividends. The Yellowstone R. - probably the most consistent. Upper Madison R. - downright good this season. Be sure to choose a beat that hasn't seen a lot of pressure (something in the middle). Gallatin R. - a gem! The dry fly fishing in the canyon is what Montana fly fishing is all about. We have some prime dates available in September so if you are looking to experience some of the finest fishing Montana has to offer be sure to give us a call. Until the next post, tight lines & bent rods!
Last 7 In Review

Holy shit, what a week! Sun burn, mosquito carnage, broken rods, two handed hook sets, straw cowboy hats?, epic jeff rainbows, dilapidated trailer, boots on tires, missed hopper eats, skinny water, beautiful bull moose, Chelsey Clinton who cares?, cigars, vacation, red chubbie Chernobyls, if I see another photo of a fly rod between an anglers jaw - I'm a gonna puke, eat it, spandex, stolen cooler, armor all, sleep, strip, poison ivy, Boulder R., copper zonkers, fireworks on 7/28, deep fried oreos, big fat jefferson river brown trout, sleepy cats, how hard is your job?, old gentlemen playing cards at 7 a.m. at the Conoco in Whitehall, Yellowstone R., bull snakes, mullets, calamine lotion, booked days?, incompetent shuttle drivers, renewed Madison R. faith, waiting for 4,000 c.f.s., ass handed, lit up, F-Bombs, the book, where's my car?, God, weeds, stupid ass questions, someone's checked out, soft-hackles, juvenile whitefish, Madison R. dinks, fly fags, good friends, whiny clients, out of my control, pay day, Lower Gallatin, tricos, foam, bow r. buggers, sleep, text messages, guides who like to sleep in, Chachie, Mama Macs, fly threaders, $10.00 peanut butter - anger, Overland Express - or is it Caras? Hope the 4th of July lasts unt& jellies, carp, East Gallaltin, fly shop idiots, twitch it, Bozeman Montana, looking ahead, 30 mph wind in the face, full moon, great sticks, if I see another photo of an angler kissing their fish - I'm gonna puke, about that time to check the usgs streamfow, the weather, the wind, the moon phase, fuel up, call the shuttle driver and drop some dough on flies. See you in the morning.
Bow R. Buggers, Soft-Hackles & Hoppers
The headlines read like this. Fishing in Southwestern Montana is off the charts! If you want to experience some of the finest fly fishing Montana has to offer, get here quick!
End of story. The wait was worth it. Fishing is only going to get better from here out.
Montana Wind!

Early starts are great for beating the wind and traffic. The fishing was solid as was the moss collecting on the flies. It's that time of the year. A small price to pay for little wind and quality fishing. Yesterday was a blurr. Between the 35mph gusts of wind and the talent, I was whooped. Maybe it's older age catching up with me?
Rivers around Southwestern Montana have finally stabilized, clearing and slowly dropping. This is a great time to be fishing in Montana. If the wind continues, we will tweak our schedules to beat it. My lumbar guarantees it!
Fly Shop Owners
Straw Hats?

This is a topic I consider near, dear and important to the health of fly fishing. This so called phenomenon has taken Montana by storm for quite some time now. I guess I have become blind to the fact that every Tom, Dick and Harry exiting a plane and walking through the Bozeman airport, is sporting a straw cowboy hat. It is time to address this foolishness.
There is nothing wrong with having childhood fantasies. I played cowboys and Indians too. For you straw hat sportin' wanna look like Brett Michaels posers - do you think the true blue cowboy from Wilsall isn't swallowing a little bit of chewing tobacco every time he spots one of you derelicts?
This sort of behavior has spawned a little game my boat and party now play on the river. It goes a little like this. When I see a boat in front of me freaking the fish with these goofy cheap brims, I slide over to cover a different lane. It works too. It always pays off. The hats displace fish because they are scared shitless of what is hacking down the river! I know it works because I'm playing clean up, cashing in on peoples urge to be trendy and fashionable in Montana? Like you need to be in the most genuine state in the country. Most fish that come to the net know so because they have a giant grin stretching ear > ear. I wonder why?
Now don't get me wrong. There is a time, place and type of person that will warrant a trendy sombrero. 1. If you are a fishing guide who spends 100+ days on the water fending off UV rays. 2. Don't need to go there. 3. Don't need to be mean (already have). 4. Think I'm getting my point across-ed.
I'm sure this rant will ignite a few comments but I think it's time for fashion to take a good look at itself and maybe a sharp left turn.
I know trends come and go but this is one trend that in my opinion has to go.
Let's get back on track. The fishing is really good right now! I will probably be spending the rest of the month between the Jeff and the Stone. I anticipate the fishing to remain good for a while with all this water.
If you have never experienced Montana fly fishing, now is the time! Give us a call 406-539-6582 to book your next fly fishing adventure. Check back soon for the Kim Kardashian For President Blog
The times they are a changing...

What a difference a week makes! Things around Southwestern Montana are finally shaping up. All waters are fishing well and should continue to fish throughout the Summer.
We spent this weekend between the Upper and Lower Madison. The Lower took the gold. Fishing on the Upper Madiheadscratchison has been slow but finally picked up on Monday? The Jeff is dropping fast and we will soon be there with first hand reports. The Stone is dropping/clearing but still big and a little freaky. I'm sure I'll be over there in my low-pro soon enough.
One thing is for sure. WE HAVE WATER THIS SUMMER AND LOTS OF IT! The fish are loving it.
Reports from the crew we had on the water today were Great dry fly fishing on both the Yellowstone and Gallatin! As we are biggining to get very busy, I will try to keep this Blog updated. Please continue to check back periodically. Until the next post...
I Remember When...

I don't like the word weird but that sums up the fishing and conditions right now. I have been to Hell and back trying to find some quality fishing and have come up short. It's almost Independence day and we are still up to our eyeballs in water. I layed in bed this morning and listened to the wind rip until it finally blew in the rain which continues to pour down.
Word on the Upper Madison are Salmonflies. Not a big deal really when you are competing with 40 other boats. This sort of behavior only results in a giant SHIT SHOW! I have never been a huge fan of the "BIG Bug". Nymph fishing before the hatch can be good. If you are slightly behind the march out of the river, dry fly fishing can be good to great and if your lucky - Epic but you gotta hit it right. If your too far behind the hatch, the fish might be gorged on the nymph which will make you want to pull your hair out.
The lower Madison is currently all over the USGS map. With fluctuating flows out of Ennis reservoir, impending weeds on the way and the likelihood that an inebriated college kid wraps his inner tube around your anchor rope, I would opt for a different venue.
Next we move over to the Yellowstone which is fluctuating between 12 - 13,000 c.f.s. The river is still Huge and quite frankly freaky. These sort of conditions make me want to buy an old aluminum Willie boat.
And the Jefferson - Back up to 6,000 c.f.s. I don't know when the Jeff will come into shape.
What this all boils down to is, I'm done trying to make any predictions for this season. The fishing will continue and one of these days it will erupt into something fierce. We have water, lots of water for the first time in a long time. I know the fish are loving it but you won't really know it until flows stabilize.
Dropping Like A Stone!

I have received several comments from readers asking where the "fish pics" are?
As most of you know, I have never been a big fan of "fish porn". As my creative stash of off the beaten path images dwindle, there will be plenty of posts in the future with pornographic snapshots of BIG fish. I'm sure ya'll can rest easy now.
I once had a guide ask me to put his bio on my website. ??? I BIT MY TONGUE! Apparently, he had not discovered the self soothing massage of Facebook.
The Ditch your probably wondering is a fairly new sandwich & coffee shop located just South of four corners. The Ditch is pumping out some delicious deli lunches. I will be utilizing them this season as they offer a fantastic fisherman's box lunch!
As for the fishing, well most of the local rivers are on the "drop and clear". I'm sure I just put the jinx on as soon as I hit the publish post button. Today and tomorrow put us on the Missouri. Holy water! It's big - 15,000+ cfs. Normally known for it's dry fly fishing, I think the fish are a tad freaked out right now. You will be successful up here if you change tactics. A long leader, lot's of weight and yep - an indicator. The fishing was allright but not what it was a month ago. We return to Bozeman on Wednesday to hopefully fish some clearing water closer to home. Please send us your photos. Tasteful and artsy always welcome. Please don't send photos of anglers kissing fish or teeth gripping the flyrod while hoisting a pathetic little fish. The extended forecast for the next five days:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
74° F | 45° F | 70° F | 45° F | 61° F | 41° F | 58° F | 40° F | 65° F | 43° F |
Partly Cloudy | T-storms 70% chance of precipitation | T-storms 80% chance of precipitation | Chance of Rain 40% chance of precipitation | Partly Cloudy |
Eat My Words

After my last post, I began diving a little deeper into this so-called Spring runoff. I would like to eat my last post but rather than deleting it, I'm leaving it alone because there is some good info on it.
As of June 3, we still have not entered into the "Main" runoff. I know guides on the Bighole that don't book trips the first two weeks of June because of runoff. This year there is clear water, caddis, rising fish all over the river and hungry guides wishing there were people here to enjoy it.
The five day forecast calls for more of the same. We are looking at some very unsettled weather. The long range forecast doesn't change much so we might just want to get used to packing the parka and embracing all of this moisture. Ultimately, we know it's good for all the reasons we love Montana.
Spring Runoff!
Here's how today went down. Jefferson>Upper Madison>Lower Madison is where we settled in and spent our day fishing clear water.
It fished. It fished great infact! We were looking for a different option this morning but were hosed by muddy high water. The Jeff spiked yesterday and the Westfork is churning out the mud on the Upper.
After this weekends valley rain and high country snow - runoff is full steam ahead.
*On a side note. If and when you come out this season to fish the Lower Madison, some of you may not recognize the Warm Springs access. The parking lot has been paved. Parking lines have been painted and Warm Springs now has a very Disneyesque feel to it. I'm not a huge fan of the so called improvements but I guess in time I will adjust. Refreshingly I discovered the Outfitters & Guides annual FAS fees were not used to pay for this project. Those (Fishing Access Site) fees were saved to clean the bathrooms and trash left behind by those who like to represent Montana by floating ass or belly up on inner tubes.
OK, I will keep my blood pressure in check by shortening this rant and reporting only things relevant fly fishing in Southwestern Montana. Runoff has begun but there are fishable conditions and good one's too! Give us a call to discuss your options.
In The Blink Of An Eye

In the blink of an eye our snowpack totals here in Southwestern Montana have gone from 70% to over 100% of average - all within a month. The rain and snow dance worked. As I write this Blog the rain continues to pour down outside. But then, it is Memorial Day Weekend- almost a rain guarantee. This news bodes well for our 2010 Summer outlook!
It's been a roller coaster of a Spring runoff this season. Actually, true Spring runoff has not even ignited - only a spark. The weather has remained cold enough to keep snow piling up in the high country and preserving what we already have. Our rivers have come up a bit, but that is due to a day or two of warm weather and lot's of much needed and welcomed moisture - not a true blue runoff as of yet.
As for the fishing - Epic dry fly fishing all the way around. There are still Mother's Day Caddis on the Upper Madison and a few stragglers on the lower river. The Madison, Missouri, Jefferson and Gallatin are still pumping out the bugs. Even the Yellowstone dropped a bit and cleared enough to fish this week. I don't ever remember Mother's Day Caddis hanging on until June!
This is all very exciting as we will be transitioning into Summer. CK Outfitters will be running a Summer special in the coming month so be sure to stay up to date by checking our new website www.ckoutfittersflyfishing.com and clicking on our Special Rates & Packages link. Also, new this season is a great lodging option at The Ranch At The Dearborn on the Missouri - a bed and breakfast on the Gary Cooper ranch.
Conditions are sure to change so stay tuned for updates by checking our CK Outfitters Reports link or checking our Blog. Until our next post, take care and we hope to see you this Summer for what promises to be some fantastic fly fishing!
It's Go! Time!

Epic is the only word I can use to describe the fishing. If you like floating lazily down the river in your shorts and tevas and casting dry flies, Montana is the place to be. The weather has been perfect - 75 degrees and sunny and light winds. The caddis have been erupting on both the Upper and Lower Madison, mingling with both Baetis and March Browns.
Word over on the Yellowstone tonight is MUD. Unless we have a cold snap soon, this is probably the beginning of runoff on the Stone. We'll keep you posted on current conditions on all our local rivers. Be sure to stay up to date by checking our Reports link on our new website > www.ckoutfittersflyfishing.com
Mother Natures Many Faces

Even though were not straining our eyes to see our caddis imitation amidst all the naturals.... the dry fly action has been steller (wind pending)! Caddis, B.W.O's & March Browns will curb your dry fly fix. Now, when the wind does blow, it's streamer time. Some true lunker (Hate the word, but at a loss) fish have been caught recently!
Check out this book soon
Passion. Devotion. Obsession. Do those words describe your relationship with the opposite sex? Or with fly fishing? And what happens when the passion for one collides with the passion for the other?
The usual result of those collisions is tragedy. Or comedy. Or both.
The eight chapters of Till Death or Fly Fishing Do Us Part are about those collisions of passion, and even the tragic ones are pretty funny--mostly because they're happening to someone else and not to you.
The first seven chapters are written by different people (three men and four women), and are quick, easy reads. The last chapter, by Tom Pero, is long--about half the book's 168 pages--and gives you perhaps more info on Pero's love life than you wanted to know, from his encounter with a "Mrs. Robinson"-type when he was a teenager, to adult encounters with the girl (woman) next door.
Each chapter has its insights into male-female relationships and how those relationships are affected by fly fishing. Some of those insights are spelled out in the text, and others you have to dig up on your own ("Boy, was that guy clueless about women.")
Till Death or Fly Fishing Do Us Part is a well-written, enjoyable book. Although I found a few typos near the end, the production values are good. And it's not like I haven't generated one or two typos in my own writing. The eight caricuture drawings by Whitney Martin capture the often comic nature of male-female relations.
This is a good gift book, and I suspect that more fly anglers will get their copy on their birthday or for Christmas rather than buy it on their own. it would be a Valentines Day gift, however; you'd have to read the book to understand why!
Bottom Line: Good, fun read. Here's a breakdown in case you forgot and if you still cannot remember, give us a call on the trout line 406-539-6582 Until you read again, tight strings!May | Caddis | ElK Hair Caddis, Parachute Caddis size 14 |
March Brown | Adams, Dark Cahill size 10 | |
Baetis mayfly | Parachute Adams, Blue Wing Olive size 16 |